Do I have to host the group in my home to participate?

NO! To participate, you only have to provide one assigned dish per diner. You are not required to host the group in your home. We DO, however, have to have enough homes available to us for a successful event. Hosting is not half as daunting as it sounds... AND it's a great excuse to clean you house and show it off! 

I really don't like to cook but I want to come. Do I have to bring a dish to share?

Yes! Home chefs.. this is our chance to SHINE... but if you don't like to cook or you can't talk your partner into cooking your dish too, you can always do coffee/tea or a signature drink, OR order something... who doesn't like KFC or Chinese takeout? 

I don't drink. Can I still come? 

Even though most of our neighbors can throw down like it's their night out in college on their fake ID.... NO you do not have to, nor should you feel pressure to drink alcohol if you don't want to or if you're sober! Don't worry... tell the person holding the cowbell if  you're not comfortable :) . 

I don't have seating for 20... or forks for 20... can I still host? 

YES!! Seating is fluid and people sit and stand in shifts if there's not enough.  Don't worry about flatware or dishes... We have a budget to spend if you would like to have paperware provided to you.